
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

DFI Reflection Session 2

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

    • E tipu e rea mō ngā rā o tō ao
      Ko tō ringa ki ngā rākau a te Pākehā hei oranga mō te tinana
      Ko tō ngākau ki ngā taonga a ō tīpuna, hei tikitiki mō tō māhunga
      Ko tō wairua ki tō atua, nāna nei ngā mea katoa
      - Tā Apirana Ngata

      Grow tender shoot for the days of your world.
      Turn your hand to the tools of the Pākehā for the well-being of your body.
      Turn your heart to the treasures of your ancestors as a crown for your head.
      Give your soul unto God the author of all things.
      - Sir Apirana Ngata

      I thought I would begin my blog with the famous quote/whakatauki by Tā Apirana Ngata. Although recited many years ago, he had foreseen the benefits for Maori of learning mainstream tools in the growing bicultural world. I believe this whakatauki was to instill, motivate and support Maori people to pursue knowledge in both worlds so they were able to adapt to the changing times, and be open to new opportunities. Today, I feel that I am embodying this famous quote from Tā Apirana Ngata through the art of digital. By increasing my digital knowledge for my teaching and learning practice in today's World, I am adding it to and will use it in collaboration with the traditional knowledge I already have.
       Manaiakalani has shown me alternative ways of knowing and doing on how to approach my teaching and learning practice digitally, and how to operate and teach it effectively.
      What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

      Hangouts: can be used as another tool to connect with a multitude of people at the same time, through video calling and screen sharing.The benefits i found through this app is that it links to most apps that i commonly use. e.g: gmail, calendar...etc
      So my prior knowledge of these apps have helped me pick up the new learning quite efficiently.

      Effective Teaching through Manaiakalani: I like how they use the concept Ako as one of their main drives for teaching and learning through the digital world. Reciprocal learning, also means the sharing of knowledge, which is relevant in today's society compared to past teachings and learnings, where there seemed to be little of this sharing of knowledge and working in collaboration. 


      Google keep: another good app to secure websites, docs, voice memo's, presentations, literally anything.

      Gmail: how to organise, scheduling emails, gadgets and add-ons, and adding a signature.

      Calendar: creating events by inviting guest, attaching documents and hangouts.
      Onetab: securing all your open tabs into one window, can restore, visit or remove.
      Toby Mini: similar to Onetab

      What did I learn that could be used with my learners?

      The use of calendar would be beneficial to me as I can now setup the students calendars with assessment due dates and inviting me into it. I can also schedule time slots or hangouts outside of classroom if students needing assistance or clarification around school work. This is another way I am able to effectively support my students if extra support is needed.

      What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

      Everything above, the tips and tricks around apps I commonly use.

      Thursday, March 5, 2020

      DFI Reflection Session 1

      Karakia is a great way to start the day off, as I am a believer in in Tikanga Māori. It clears the hinengaro and the tinana before progressing into wānanga learnings, which means the process of learning becomes tapu.

      Whakawhānaungatanga: developing connection and positive relationships through pepeha is becoming a common aspect before any teaching and learning has began.

      Origins: Explaining the origins of Manaiakalani came from a kaumātua which relates to the constellation of stars. Hawaiians as well as Māori, in fact all pacific people use the constellation Stars to navigate across the globe.

      Google Groups: I learnt the different ways you can specifically set up groups for different purposes. This weeds out massive amounts of disorganized emails that you receive.

      Chrome and Google Drive:
      how to change, insert or create a profile
      Bookmarking particular sites makes it easier to find and access.
      organizing files and creating folders into existing folders makes it easier to navigate.
      sharing files and controlling privacy settings.
      Color code files, can make it more identifiable maybe?
      Can see all apps/g suite clearly, didn't elaborate much on this.

      Summer Learning Journey: Gain valuable information out this, copy and paste text, how to setup content, how to setup footnote.

      Connect the Docs: How to use Docs and how to use and navigate all tools. Valuable information

      Creating poster using google docs. Here is my first attempt: